Software Development
Building Web Applications with web2py
Web Apps with web2py: Database Connectivity & the Model
Web Apps with web2py: Decorators, Foreign Key Constraints, & Table Forms
Web Apps with web2py: Getting Started
Web Apps with web2py: The Controller & View
Web Apps with web2py: Working with Prebuilt Bootstrap Templates

Web Apps with web2py: Database Connectivity & the Model

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Apps with web2py: Database Connectivity & the Model

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • install a MySQL database which will later be integrated with a web2py app
  • identify the steps involved in connecting a web2py app to a MySQL database
  • recognize how web2py models are translated to relational database tables
  • illustrate how to use the default web2py app interface to sign up new users
  • recognize how to insert rows into a table using the web2py admin interface
  • recall how to use web2py's built-in grid widget to view the contents of a database table
  • identify how to use the web2py grid to search the contents of a database table
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Database connectivity is a crucial part of any full-stack web application and is the most convenient manner to persistently store data like user login credentials. web2py is built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm with the model focused on connecting to databases and managing data in external sources. In this course, study the role of the model in web2py apps. Investigate the file and learn how to integrate MySQL with web2py while using the MySQL database as a backend for your web apps. Next, explore how to install the MySQL server and MySQL Workbench tool, and practice integrating web2py with these technologies. Finally, work with the SQLFORM.grid widget, which is an extremely powerful and simple way to work with data from the model and incorporate it into your app.


Prerequisites: none

Web Apps with web2py: Decorators, Foreign Key Constraints, & Table Forms

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Apps with web2py: Decorators, Foreign Key Constraints, & Table Forms

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • outline how to incorporate a SQLFORM into a web2py app to enable database inserts from the UI
  • illustrate how to add rows to a database table using a SQLFORM and recognize its validation features
  • demonstrate how to map a URL to an individual row in a relational database to enable access to resources
  • identify how to render the data retrieved from individual rows in a database in a web2py app
  • recognize how foreign key references can be implemented when defining a table for a web2py app
  • illustrate how to apply a web2py decorator to ensure only signed-in users can access sections of your web site
  • outline how to display the contents of an e-commerce shopping cart
  • list the steps to allow for removal of items from a shopping cart, while also updating the product inventory
  • identify how to allow users to search for specific categories of products by defining a filter
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

When it comes to creating fully-fledged, professional-looking e-commerce web applications, there are a lot of little details that come into play. For instance, it’s important to have functionality such as a shopping cart, or perhaps the ability for a user to browse the category of merchandise they may be interested in. In this course, learn how to add product creation functionality for the admin of the e-commerce site. Then, practice implementing a shopping cart using foreign key constraints. Next, identify how to use web2py decorators such as a login decorator to ensure that a user has to log in before they can view certain functionality. Finally, examine how to add in filtering functionality so your users can select the category of products to browse.


Prerequisites: none

Web Apps with web2py: Getting Started

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Apps with web2py: Getting Started

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • summarize how web requests and web servers work
  • differentiate web applications and web frameworks
  • compare and contrast Python frameworks for building web applications
  • state characteristics of the web2py framework
  • identify the different phases in a web2py workflow
  • install and set up web2py
  • modify basic constructs of the web2py framework
  • modify a template in the default web2py app
  • illustrate the different components of a web2py app
  • modify and edit the default application files
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

web2py is a powerful and popular Python web application development framework firmly built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm, a popular design pattern often used for building user interfaces (UIs). A popular alternative to Django – another popular full-stack web framework – web2py offers an easy setup and a built-in integrated development environment (IDE). In this course, explore the fundamentals of web requests and responses, examine how web browsers and web servers interact, and identify the role of HTML and HTTP. Next, learn how web apps are created with frameworks and examine important Python web development frameworks such as Django, Flask, molten, and web2py. After that, compare web2py and Django and learn web2py’s strengths and limitations. Finally, examine the web2py workflow, practice building your first simple web2py app, and explore the directory structure and support available for multiple languages and translation.


Prerequisites: none

Web Apps with web2py: The Controller & View

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Apps with web2py: The Controller & View

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create a simple web2py app starting with the default app
  • identify how to update the content of the index template to create a new homepage for the app
  • demonstrate how to set up a controller and view, and the relationship which exists between them
  • recall how views are affected by the return types for their corresponding controllers
  • recognize how to pass query parameters through a URL to a web2py app
  • illustrate how to use forms to submit POST data to a web2py app
  • recognize how request and session variables can be accessed in web2py
  • compare the different scopes of request and session variables
  • use the cloud-hosted PythonAnywhere service to deploy a web2py app to end users
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

web2py relies heavily on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm. The controller holds business logic in a web2py app, and the view file consists of HTML and has embedded Python code in the form of web2py template language. In this course, learn how to create your own web2py app. Start by working with the index view and About page, practice editing apps from your local machine using a familiar text editor, and compare the mapping between your machine's file structure and the web2py app directory structure. Next, examine the relationship between the controller and views, explore dictionaries and the view.html file, and identify important global variables such as response, request, db, and session. After that, explore session and request variables and how sessions are supported out of the box in web2py. Finally, learn how to deploy a simple app to a third-party web server such as PythonAnywhere.


Prerequisites: none

Web Apps with web2py: Working with Prebuilt Bootstrap Templates

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Web Apps with web2py: Working with Prebuilt Bootstrap Templates

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • identify how to download and incorporate a pre-built template into a new web2py app
  • modify an existing template by using required components and extending them with your own
  • outline how to include static resources such as images and CSS files to the web2py app
  • state a model for the web2py app, including a connection to a MySQL database
  • create a new table and configure it using built-in web2py constructs
  • illustrate how to use the built-in sign-up feature to add new users to the app
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

For full-stack web developers, frameworks like web2py help you construct all of the business logic and get the wiring and the app details right. When it comes to app appearance and aesthetics, it's wise to rely on powerful frameworks like Bootstrap. Bootstrap helps you build sophisticated user interfaces (UIs) using design templates that incorporate both CSS and JavaScript code for typography, forms, buttons, etc. In this course, explore prebuilt Bootstrap templates and examine how to modify one to fit your use case. Then, learn how to set up a real-world web app for an e-commerce store built atop the Bootstrap functionality. Finally, learn how to allow users to register and sign in to your app, and identify the differences in the views presented to the admin user, a signed-in user, and a user who isn't signed in.


Prerequisites: none

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